PoB Hotels Photography Guidelines
Our photography guidelines are here to help you make the most of your pages on the PoB website, and to curate your own bank of imagery.
PoB Hotels Photography Guidelines
All images need a central focal point which allows the imagery to work on multiple devices without losing details.
For the PoB site, a mix of landscape and portrait images should be supplied but please note preference is landscape.
Images should be taken using natural light with a good balance of contrast.
For the PoB site, please supply all images at full resolution, sharp and in focus. Images should be a minimum of 2500px wide if landscape or 2500px high if portrait.
For the PoB site, please use Suitcase to folder your images into the categories that correspond with the website and would make sense to the guest.
Please provide images labelled for ease e.g. Nameofhotel_rooms_luxurysuite
For room photography, we recommend vivid colours, natural lighting and contrast. A mixture of whole room and focused images from multiple angles is useful.
For the PoB site, we need two to four images of each room type.
Restaurant photography should include a mixture of food and drink, whole room shots, and focused images on table settings, bar details.
For the PoB site please provide two to four images of each dining offering.
Spa photography needs to be more lifestyle allowing the user to see how relaxing it can be, or the style of treatments that are available. We recommend using a variety of angles e.g the whole pool with nobody in, a close up of someone swimming, a movement shot with the jets or water fountain flowing into the pool. Images should show different areas e.g sauna, jacuzzi, outdoor pool, and treatment photography if available.
Lifestyle photography uses people to connect with the user who wants to enjoy the same experience. You should use the correct target audience for your hotel, e.g. families, couples, dogs. You do not have to use models - for example setting a scene, such as an unmade bed with a breakfast tray, can be very effective. Use a balance between product and people to sell the experience, tell a story and bring emotion through the imagery.